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दे प्ल्यूम प्रेस: शब्द; प्राचीन से समकालीन तक...


Poetry's strength lies in its ability to shed a sideways light on the world, so the truth sneaks up on you. The magical interplay of words with aesthetic touch always plays a pivotal role in literary work. We love poetry and rendering French poetry is the first and foremost task of our publication. We decided to cover selected French poetry in 20 volumes. That is a part of our long run in the translation of French poetry. In this segment, we are working on six books and they are supposed to publish next year.


Writers : We are working on several writers like -

Pierre de Ronsard
Guillaume de Machaut
André Chénier
Marceline Desbrodes-Valmore
Alphonse de Lamartine
François Villon
Alfred de Vigny
Victor Hugo
Gérard de Nerval
Théophile Gautier
Leconte de Lisle
Théodore de Banville
Charles Baudelaire
Paul Verlaine
Arthur Rimbaud
Isidore Ducasse
Stéphane Mallarmé
Jules Laforgue
Frédéric Mistral
Sully Prudnomme
Anatole France
Guillaume Apollinaire
Émile Verhaeren
Charles Péguy
Paul Claudel
Saint-John Perse
Tristan Tzara
André Breton
Louis Aragon
Robert Desnos
René Char
Jean Cocteau
Henri Michaux
Jacques Prévert
Francis Ponge
Jules Supervielle
Yves Bonnefoy
Aimé Césaire
Léopold Sédar Senghor
Boris Vian
Philippe Jaccottet
Anne-Marie Albiach
Emmanuel Hocquard
Paul Valéry
Paul Éluard

Many More


Rute Beuf
Guillaume de Machaut
Christine de Pizan
Charles d orleans
François Villon
Pierre de Ronsara
Joachim du Bellay
Vouise Labe
Theopline de Vidu
Jean de La Fotaine
André Chénier
Marceline Desbordes valmere
Alphonse de lamartine
Afred de Musset
Alfred de Vigny
Victor Hugo
Geard de Nerval
Theophille Gauthier
Theodone de Banville
Charles Bandelaire
Paul Verlaine
Arthur Rimband
Isidore Ducasse
Stephane Mallarne
Jules laforgune
Frédéric Mistral
Sully Prudhomme
Anatole france
Guillaume Apollinaire
Emile Verhaeven
Charles Peguy
Paul claudel
Saint- John Perse
Tristan Tzara
Andre Breten
Louis Aragon
Robert Desnos
Rene Char
Jean Locteau
Henri Michaux
Jacques Prevert
Francis Ponge
Jules Supervielle
Jean de La Fotaine
Laoplod Sedar Sengner
Boris Vian
Philippe Jaccottet
Anne Marie Albiach
Emmanuel Hocquard
Paul Valery
Paul Eluard